Monday, November 06, 2006

The Man with a Beard

I put an out dated photo of myself with a beard on my other blog which got a few laughs. It also got questions about an updated photo. Eventually I did put on a new one but that gave me the idea to start this new blog. This is a place where I will put on photos of myself, my family, my stuff and even other peoples stuff that I have to look at every day. When I have the time I will dig threw my old photos from my childhood and put on a few of the best. If I get in the right mood I might even put in some of the "art" that my brother splices together in his computer.


Cliff Brown said...

I like both of those groups. I am a fan of gospel quartets and the older work by the Oak Ridge Boys are among the best. My mother plays the piano and sings alto. My wife sings seprano. My brother and I both sing tennor but can both switch to base when needed. We have sang as a quartet in church a few times but are not pros.

Scarlet said...

Just surfin and ran into your blog. You sound like a nice guy with a nice family. Keep up the good work.