Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Court House

This is the historic old court house where criminal trials would be held if we still actually held trials in Simpson County. My store is down the hill in front of the court house so I have to see that underused building every day. The building is still used as county office space and the court room is sometimes used as a meeting room. Sometimes there is even concerts in the court room. The most common use for the building is simply pointing and bragging, but it is very seldom used for what it was built for.


Jolly Roger said...

I Hear the place is Haunted.
The Halls cry out for Justice (Un like the Good Ole Days when folks had to pay for their crimes.) Now is's just laughter.

Anonymous said...

A few years back a group of supervisors from Simpson County went to Washington to beg for money to build a rail road bridge over a road in Saratoga that only 22 cars each day would use. They also begged for money to repair that historic court house. As far as I know none of the construction on either project has begun.

That bridge was susposed to cost $1.6 milion and they got $1.25 million from the federal cookey jar. I read in the paper this morning that the bids on the bridge are over $2 milion and the supervisors are considering to make up the difference with county tax money. The sheriff could get a grant for $5000 to buy police cars if he could come up with 10% matching funds but the county supervisors said no. Figure that one out.

TERRY said...

first off i no longer live in mendenhall, I lived there for 9 years and had children graduate from mendenhall high.
We currently live in magee and live is a whole lot better there. Wal-Mart wanted to come to mendenhall but it didn't and sence then the town has continued to fade away like most by-passed, forgotten cities.
I do remember when CLARENCE MAY was mayor the town main street was full, and new things for the city was beginning, and i feel this up set some of the good ole boys...lights on the streets, and especially at 49 was a big big improvment and the air was beginning to blow a little... shame it didnt continue.
sooner or later the city clan areas will be protected, but it will be overtaken and the children will loose intrest and sell the soul like the sullivans did on the big star business and shopping center which you couldn't hardly find a parking space... oh yeah, those were the days,,,true value on main street, busy busy robbie in the rear taking care of the mower end, tommy and his wife there to greet you up front... great service by the way... any way a suggestion for the leaders, be a leader, move ahead and leave something good that some body can say about you instead of yeah they were responsible for holding back, and no body wants to live there any more.....